Q: Is my child guaranteed a seat?
The service is allocated to ensure all girls holding a valid, current bus pass are guaranteed a seat on the school bus service.
Q: If this service is run by Forest Coach Lines, who is responsible for my child when she is on the bus?
This bus is a commercial service of Forest Coach Lines, exclusively for Roseville College students during term time. Forest Coach Lines will never send a private vehicle to collect students in lieu of the bus service and will only send unmarked buses (but displaying Roseville College signage) as a result of extenuating circumstances and if communicated to Roseville College beforehand. Each service is supervised by a dedicated driver, who reports any issues or incidents to Forest Coach Lines at the completion of each service.
In the morning before she gets on the bus and in the afternoon when she gets off the bus, her duty of care is with her parents/ caregivers.
When she alights at school, she is in the care of Roseville College. Our duty of care extends to facilitate her safe interchange from school onto the afternoon bus or provide a supervised place at school as she waits for alternative collection should she miss the service.
Q: What if my child misses the bus on the way to school?
On the way to school, the duty of care for your child remains with you, her parents and caregivers, until she boards the bus and taps her bus pass. Please check the TransportMe app to check the progress of the route and timetable, and ensure your child has enough time to reach her designated bus stop.
Q: What if my child misses the bus on the way home?
Students booked on the afternoon bus service are to wait for the bus on the Lawn outside SSO under the supervision of the Gate duty staff until the bus arrives.
Junior School students who have missed the service will be placed in the after school program to wait for collection by a parent or guardian, who will be immediately alerted. Parents will be charged for using the after school care program.
We ask all families of Junior School students to please register with our Before and After School Care service - it is free to do so. By all families being registered, it means that in the rare event that your daughter misses the afternoon bus service, she can join the program as an emergency enrolment, giving you peace of mind that she is safe and well cared for.
To create your online enrolment visit www.commosh.net.au and search school name under NSW Programs: Roseville College
Senior School students are responsible to manage their own transition from school to the bus service. If they miss the service, students must report to the Student Services Office, alert their parent /caregiver and inform the College of alternative transport home. If waiting for collection, students must go to the Library.
For concerns, inquiries or emergencies on any Roseville College bus service, contact (02) 9884 1100, weekdays from 8am – 4pm. Outside of these hours during weekdays, please call
Hours of Operation: 8:00 am - 5:00pm
Charter 1800 473 267 - Press Option 1 or (02) 8602 4700
After Hours Operations only
Prior to 8:00 am and up to 6:00 pm
(02) 8602 4714
Q: How do I raise a concern?
Forest Coach Lines and Roseville College liaise regularly in relation to the care of students, any observed issues or complaints, or service improvements. The College will action an appropriate response as required.
Students using the service can lodge an issue at Junior School Reception (Kindergarten to Year 6) or Senior School SSO (Years 7 - 12).
Alternatively, parents of students using the service can raise a concern with Roseville College by emailing transport@roseville.nsw.edu.au
Q: Can my child travel on particular days or one-way - and does that change the fee?
There are two types of bus pass options available:
- Full-time bus pass (unlimited trips for $400/term)
- Part-time bus pass (50 trips valid for Term of purchase ONLY for $200/term). Trips are valid only for the school term that the pass is purchased for. Any trips that are not used in the term that the pass is purchased for, will be forfeited.
Q: What if our plans change and we don’t want the service anymore?
Each term, the full service operates on a flat fee. If your plans change, your subscription will just run out at the end of the term.
Q: What if my child loses her bus pass?
A bus pass will be issued by Forest Coach Lines once free of charge. Students will be advised when their pass is ready for collection from the library.
Additional passes will need to be purchased if the first one is lost.
The cost of an additional pass is $5 and can be requested by emailing transport@roseville.nsw.edu.au.
Q: What happens if the service is full?
The College reserves the right to prioritise children who are vulnerable, young or dependent on the service, then in order of application and payment. Once the service is fully booked, the option to buy bus passes will close.
Q: What information about my child is accessible to Forest Coach Lines?
Forest Coachlines will have access to a student’s name and student card ID number only. No private information will be shared with Forest Coach Lines.